Jan 6, 2015
I had a conversation today with somebody seeking some advice on how to get started in paying off personal debt. I am very proud of this individual for making the brave commitment to invest their money towards getting out of the debt quadrant and into the wealth...
Jun 11, 2014
We seem to live in a culture of “spending.” Where we spend money before we even have it! In fact, we spend money that we may not have for years and years into the future (e.g. home mortgages). Personally, I believe that debt is one of the worst things a...
May 26, 2014
As I discuss with people their personal financial situations, one important principle I always start with is the idea that your financial efforts are really akin to a journey. In fact, the destination of the journey isn’t money or wealth, but rather, what you...
May 23, 2014
For anybody who has spent some time investing in financial markets (e.g. stock markets), you’ve surely wished from time to time that you could see into the future; to have some kind of crystal ball with which to tell if a certain investment will provide a decent...
May 23, 2014
One of my favorite concepts from the book is that of The Money Curve (pictured above). This curve highlights a couple of important relationships: time vs. interest rate and debt vs. investing. Time vs. Interest Rate The horizontal axis represents time and the scale...